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当遗嘱出现争议时,你可以先在家庭内部解决. Emotions run high 和 families are often unable to work it out. 这种“遗嘱认证纠纷”的当事人可能会试图索取他们没有权利拥有的财产, or there may be problems with the will itself. Perhaps you were left out of the will by mistake, 或者是因为另一个人在他们神志不清的时候操纵他们改变了遗嘱.

This is where a will dispute lawyer 可以帮助. 无论你是在印第安纳州还是肯塔基州,你都可以通过特定的法律程序对遗嘱提出异议. 作为一家定期起草遗嘱并进行遗嘱争讼的律师事务所,遗嘱争讼律师在 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 可以帮助. We have the experience necessary to protect your interests.

These disputes can be incredibly complex, 和 you need a team with courtroom experience that truly has your back. 今天与我们经验丰富的遗嘱认证诉讼律师交谈,以获得您需要的帮助.

Why Choose Our Probate 和 Will Lawyers?

丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳律所的遗嘱辩护律师已经为你的案子做好了充分的准备. We underst和 the difficulties you are going through. 你最近失去了一个你非常关心的人,现在你正在处理有争议的遗嘱的压力. In this situation, many assets are frozen in 遗嘱认证 while at the same time you are trying to unravel the will contest. The legal process to contest a will is complicated, 但我们敬业的律师知道如何追求您的利益并正确地对遗嘱进行抗辩.

我们的遗嘱辩护律师会为您提供咨询并了解您的特殊情况. We can fully investigate the case to seek your desired outcomes. The attorneys at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳真正关心我们的客户以及遗嘱纠纷给他们带来的困难. 我们了解如何寻求您期望的结果,并将与您一起寻求您应得的补偿.


You can dispute a will when you meet the legal requirements to do so. 对遗嘱提出异议是一个复杂的过程, 但最好找一位有丰富遗嘱认证诉讼经验的律师来处理. 要对遗嘱之类的遗嘱文件提出异议,你需要成为“利害关系人”.”

An 利害关系方 is someone who is or would be entitled to inherit from a deceased person. This could include, but is not limited to:

  • 遗嘱中提到的任何人
  • 亲戚或家庭成员
  • A person entitled to inherit had the person died without a will.

Will disputes are usually limited to these interested parties. 如果你是逝者的家人,你很可能是相关方. 然而, if you are not a relative, it does not mean you may not qualify. 如果你的名字出现在有争议的遗嘱中,那么你的利害关系人地位几乎是确定的. Let our attorneys review the will 和 provide guidance on how to dispute it.

What Happens If There Are Multiple Wills?

In disputed situations, it is common for there to be multiple wills. Perhaps the decedent created a new will after a previous one. 可能会混淆谁控制或遗嘱是否由死者妥善签署.

在先遗嘱中列出的任何人都可以被视为利害关系人,并被允许参加诉讼. 这种情况经常发生,因为之前的遗嘱授予他们想要的个人财产或资产, while the new will reduces or eliminates it. 在这种情况下,竞争将集中在谁签署了正确的遗嘱并控制了遗产.


对遗嘱提出异议, 利害关系人必须在接受遗嘱认证的命令生效之日起三个月内提出索赔(在肯塔基州,提出遗嘱争议的程序必须在遗嘱认证开始后的两年内进行)。. If the case is not filed within this strict time limit, it is likely that you will lose your right to file a will contest. 避免这种潜在问题的最好方法是在发现遗嘱有问题后尽快与遗嘱律师交谈.

If the will is contested, there are certain grounds you must raise. It is not enough to dislike what the will says or what it does. You must have specific grounds to contest the validity of the will. 这些可能包括以下内容:


当一个人精神不健全时,他就缺乏起草遗嘱的立遗嘱能力. 精神错乱精神不健全, 这个人一定在某种程度上有认知缺陷,使他们无法理解自己的选择或行为的本质. 这些可能包括以下情况:

  • 遗嘱人患有阿尔茨海默病.
  • 遗嘱人患有痴呆症.
  • 遗嘱人失去了知觉.
  • 立遗嘱人患有其他智力缺陷或发育缺陷.

如果遗嘱是在立遗嘱人不明白自己在做什么的时候起草的, lack of testamentary capacity might help you challenge the will.


不正当影响是指某人控制或强迫遗嘱人为了自己的利益而改变遗嘱. This is common with elderly or infirm individuals who rely on people for help. 这可能包括一个照顾者, 家庭成员, 或者其他与立遗嘱人关系密切的人,在起草遗嘱时可能会影响他们的行为和选择.


欺诈 occurs when the testator is tricked into signing the will. A person may be tricked into thinking they are signing another document. 他们也可能被欺骗,以为他们签署的是之前看过的遗嘱,但不知道有人对遗嘱做了修改.


印第安纳州 requires that a valid will must meet certain requirements. The will must be in writing to be valid under 印第安纳州法律. 其他要求包括:

  • 遗嘱必须由立遗嘱人在两名见证人在场的情况下签署.
  • The witnesses must sign the will in front of the testator.

Many of these requirements apply to 肯塔基州 wills as well. Any errors with the execution of the will could render it invalid. This can be strong evidence in a will contest case.

If we’re going to market this to folks in 印第安纳州和肯塔基州, then we need to have the will execution rules listed for 印第安纳州和肯塔基州.


质疑遗嘱可能是一个充满压力的过程,尤其是当你试图独自完成遗嘱时. The legal process to challenge a will is incredibly complicated. 你必须遵守严格的时间表, 复杂的归档要求, 和 be able to prove grounds to contest the will. 然而, you do not have to do this alone. 在一个合格的 将抗辩律师, you can seek the justified compensation that can make it all worth it.

决定遗嘱争议是否值得,最好与经验丰富的遗嘱认证诉讼律师讨论. The attorney 可以帮助 you determine the strengths 和 weaknesses of your case. To do so, they will consider questions like:

  • What assets or property do you seek in your will contest?
  • Do you dispute the will or are you defending it?
  • Are you an 利害关系方 that has st和ing to file a will dispute lawsuit?
  • What is the likelihood of success for your will contest lawsuit?

Ultimately, this determination is made based on the unique facts of your case. Your initial consultation will help answer many of these questions.


一场成功的遗嘱竞赛可以帮助你执行你想要保护的有效遗嘱,也可以帮助你挑战把你排除在外的有缺陷的遗嘱. You know what you want 和 what you are entitled to. 遗嘱竞赛可以帮助你:

  • 针对其他索赔人为遗嘱辩护
  • Protect the assets granted to you in the will
  • Challenge a will that does not comply with legal requirements
  • 追求你所拥有的资产.

Will Dispute常见问题

  • 我的遗嘱争讼价值多少?

    The value of your will contest lawsuit will depend on what you seek. Factors include the value of the assets you want, your percentage of interest in the property, 和 the total value of the decedent’s estate.

  • Will对诉讼的抗辩. 结算

    A will contest lawsuit gives you your day in court if you need it. 然而, 在知识渊博的律师的帮助下,许多案件可以在法庭外解决. 当双方能够就问题的解决方案达成一致,而不是继续争吵时,就发生了和解. 结算 is usually accomplished by a settlement agreement, which is a legal contract that resolves the will dispute.

    竞争双方通常愿意和解,以避免诉讼的成本和拖延. 有时, 事实上,你聘请了一位经验丰富的律师可以迅速促成和解,并得到你想要的结果. 在其他情况下, 中介 能帮助协商解决方案吗. 当一个中立的第三方帮助促进讨论和共同解决案件时,就会发生这种情况.

  • 你在哪些州练习?

    Our will dispute attorneys practice in both 印第安纳州和肯塔基州. We are prepared to h和le your case in multiple counties with our 杰弗逊维尔老年律师, 克拉克斯维尔老年律师 以及我们丰富的经验 路易斯维尔的遗产规划律师, 新奥尔巴尼牧童.


Our will dispute lawyers are 准备好了 帮助 you with your claim. 我们精通肯塔基州和印第安纳州的法律,知道如何处理这些案件,对你最有利. Our attorneys care about what you are going through 和 want to assist you.

丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 is 准备好了 帮助 you with your will dispute. bet9九州体育登录 today or call 812-725-8224 to schedule a consultation for your case.


Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州和肯塔基州, Steve 兰登 is an experienced elder law 和 trial attorney. In addition to his litigation 和 trial work, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills 和 health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州和肯塔基州. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]




